Tuesday, September 13, 2016

2 Important Things When Change Exhaust Motor Injection with O2 Sensor

Otosia.com - Main replace exhaust injection motor , equipped with O2 sensor as a whole turned out to have no effect . People often forget that in the motorcycle exhaust injection , especially the large-capacity machines are the oxygen sensor ( O2 ) . Loss of this function because dislodged exhaust can affect the combustion unstable .

 So how do I change the type of motorcycle exhaust for this ? Nana Sutia , Instructor Techniques PT Daya Adicipta Motorà ( DAM ) , the main dealer of Honda motorcycles in West Java , said that because of the O2 sensor is important work , then make some sort of stand.

 "If you want to change from the head ( complete exhaust ) , can make a special holder . The goal is what , as long as the O2 sensor in contact with the smoke of burning , she can read , " he said . 

However , he also suggested , several products , including made ​​in Thailand , selling only the tail or exhaust silencer so that the head remains in place.

 The second thing to note is the negative cable that is connected to a CO2 sensor . " O2 sensor read ( new works on speed ) 40 km / h and when the temperature to 80 degrees. Keep in mind , there is the negative cable . If not used , the same, he does not work , " he added .

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