Friday, September 23, 2016

Know Culture and Architecture in New vilage Djawi

 Confused tourist destinations what to visit while in Jombang? You can enjoy the beautiful nature in the district which is known by the nickname City of Santri this.

One of them by visiting Gondang, Caranggwulung Village, District Wonosalam, East Java. This village is a plateau which has cool air, which certainly suited to be used as tourist attractions. In this village there is a tourist destination called Kampoeng Djawi, an area for recreation and learning about the culture and architecture of Java.

Surrounded by mountains and rice fields in the vicinity, visitors will feel the atmosphere of the village with a touch of Javanese architecture and culture. According to the manager and owner of this place, Rudy Ermawan, one of the objectives of the establishment Kampoeng Djawi is to preserve the architecture and culture of Java, East Java.

Moreover, as the venue consists of several houses scattered in the area of ​​the region. Each house uncharged 4 to 32 people with a total capacity of up to 120 people.

 This place is also created as a means of education for the public, including students associated with the introduction of the Java architecture.

Therefore, all the buildings in this area are built in the style of Javanese architecture. In a tourist spot since being founded in 2011 it will be easily found joglo shaped building, a pyramid, as well as the gate of the temple.

Not only the outside of the building, interior and trinkets used were Javanese. Vacationing in this place more complete with a variety of other facilities for outdoor activities, such as high ropes, flying fox, the target shooting area, and a pool.

In addition, there are also facilities to conduct joint activities, including rafting in Kali Boro, offroad, motocross and mountain bike. So, no need to wonder anymore if a vacation to Jombang!

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