Saturday, September 24, 2016

Differentiated SIM C, Moge Ask Motorists Can Sign Tol - Government regulations regarding the classification of driver's license (driver's license) to the motor has been imposed.

Great for motorcycle riders are required to have a license C1 or C2 in accordance with engine capacity bike.

 This step is considered President Large Motor Club (MBC) Indonesia Rudy Susanto too complicated, because too many classification. "Digampangkan aja, if the driver already had a great motorcycle driver's license do not need a SIM small motor.

Just like a car, if he already has B1 do not need a driver's license," said Rudy. However, Rudy still support policy decisions on the SIM. Only He hoped that the government give special treatment to the riders is great. Special treatment is that road access is currently only allowed to enter four or more wheeled vehicles such as tolls.

 "To the government, we are the big motor requesting devoted. Because getting a SIM that alone was special. Do not be equal treatment with regular motor.

If the owner of C plain can not enter the highway, but if you have a license large motorcycle he may enter the toll. Because test and bayarnya just different, "said Rudy.

 This is according to Rudy important for the comfort and security of the people on the street. You see, the big motor control themselves judged differently with regular motor. "The first consideration is to avoid traffic jams.

Both of which would be very inconvenient and disturbing the public when we do a convoy in the usual way. If through the public highway so not disturbed," he explained.

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