Sunday, September 11, 2016

Explore Yogyakarta , place Rangga Dating and Love in AADC 2

Movie Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2 not only presents a story of love and friendship is sweet and exciting , but also tourist sights in Yogyakarta interesting to explore . For those of us who enjoyed the film, plus interest for a vacation , do not hesitate to come here . Here are a few spots that became the meeting place of Love ( Dian Sastrowardoyo ) and Rangga ( Nicholas Saputra ) -Pas really to be visited with a girlfriend . 

 1. Papermoon Puppet Theatre Jln . Langensuryo KT II , No. 176 In addition to the building , Papermoon often perform at the train , the traditional market , and the edge of the road . Puppet theater founded spouses and Iwan Effendi Ria is the theme which is very close to people's everyday lives . In AADC 2 , Rangga and Love watching staging a cup of coffee on the Playa , which is similar to the story of their love story. 

2. Clinical Coffee Jln . Kaliurang KM . 7.8 , Gang Bima , Sinduharjo , Sleman Coffee fan , especially the local coffee , must come here . Processing of coffee monitored by Pepeng , coffee Yogyakarta artists , ranging from sourcing local coffee beans , roasting , and grinding up into coffee powder . Enjoy the fun of chatting over a cup of coffee without the sweet taste is pure . 3. Queen Boko Jln . Prambanan - Piyungan KM . 

3 , Sleman In the Ratu Boko Palace we can feel the tranquility while enjoying views of the city of Yogyakarta and Prambanan the background of Mount Merapi . If you enter from the gate of the palace , we will be greeted by two high gates are magnificent. Although the form of chunks of debris , we will enjoy the moments hang out in a former palace complex was built in the 8th century , as is done Rangga and Love . 

4. Punthuk Setumbu Jln . Borobudur Ngadiharjo KM . 3 , Karangrejo , Borobudur , Magelang The view of Borobudur temple in the morning will look very beautiful when viewed from the Mount Punthuk Setumbu . No wonder , deh , many photographers who hang out here to have a good photo angle . If you want to see the sun rising from behind the Temple Borobodur , suggested start hiking in the early morning . 

5. House of Prayer Bukit Rhema Gombong hill hamlet , village Kembanglimus The other name of this place are Chicken Church , because the building design such as chicken complete with tail and head. We just need to walk 10 minutes from Punthuk salama Setumbu to go home this prayer . If you want to see the sights in the vicinity, including Borobudur , as Rangga and Love we have to climb to the top of the building .

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