Sunday, September 18, 2016

Easier Unloading Old Motor Bolts - In dismantle the screws on the old motor to be extra careful , there are even stubborn bolts and rusty . This is in contrast with the new motor bolt is still fresh and clean .

 When unpacking bolt on an old bike and find the rusty or stubborn to be removed , do not immediately forced because the screw head can be broken. For it to do some of these tips before the demolition of the old bolts on the motor .

 First thing to do , lubricate the screw with a liquid rust thresher , if no one can use gasoline or diesel . Lubrication process can use a small brush to facilitate lubrication evenly. If you use the spray liquid rust thresher is also better .

 After that let some time until the liquid is completely pervasive on the sidelines of the bolt thread . Having looked evenly , give small punch or other term ' digetok ' at the head of the bolt thread .

After digetok trying to play with the appropriate key. If it is still difficult to be repeated lubrication and pounding again as he rotated slowly .

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