Saturday, September 24, 2016

Tips to Prevent Corrosion Evaporator AC Affected - Rarely do maintenance AC (air conditioner), evaporator components can suffer tremendous damage.

The impact not only make it less convenient, but also deadly. Starting from the AC did not produce cold air, until the freon leaking into the cabin highly dangerous if inhaled.

 Over time, working AC evaporator freon gas vaporizing temperature and low pressure will attract dirt.

This dirt will stick for a long time that eventually produces a residue. The residue will eventually dry up and form a crust. The crust that resemble white chalk is corrosive and erode evaporator, making it porous.

 "The air in the cabin of the car greatly affect the performance evaporator. When the air is sucked mixed with dirt in the cabin will cause blockage of the evaporator and interfere with performance.

The dirt is then led to corrosion," said Ferry, the owner of the workshop specialist AC Auto Rotary Bintaro located in RC Veteran No.1A, Bintaro Raya, Tanah Kusir, South Jakarta. There are several ways to avoid the appearance of corrosion on the AC evaporator.

The first thing is to maintain cleanliness, especially in the front passenger. Where the AC components typically placed in that section.

 The next step is do not open the windows when the air conditioner is on. It is intended to prevent dirt from outside into the cabin.

To slow down the corrosion can also be done by adding a cabin filter. "You should not smoke in the car. Tobacco smoke contains residues prone to cause corrosion. A definite routine servicing air conditioning at least once a year," said Ferry.

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