Sunday, September 11, 2016

Unique Culture in Indonesia

Indonesia is known as natural resources are very rich , but it turns out this beloved country is rich in local languages ​​you know , it is evident that there are 564 regional languages ​​in Indonesia . In fact, according to Wikipedia , BPS 2010 census there were 1,340 ethnic Indonesia . Have imagined how many hundred cultures here? Interestingly , the foreign ministry gathers 70 youth that will be sent to Indonesia to study Indonesian culture . Residents of Indonesia should be proud , you know . Due to culture, let us describe some of the unique culture in our country .
1. Ritual Tiwah The first unique culture called Ritual Tiwah, delivering a kind of ceremony the bones of the deceased to his final resting place is stumbling, to people's expectations ditiwahkan reach heaven. This ritual is performed by the Dayak tribe in Central Kalimantan, particularly embracing belief or Hindu Kaharingan Kaharingan.
The tradition, the dead man was buried temporarily until tiwah held, then the bodies were unloaded back and burned to really just leftover bones alone. Another event was held amid tiwah ritual events such as dancing, singing typical Dayak, slaughtered sacrificial animals to put up a song, it is not uncommon dangdut songs heard in order to eliminate sleepiness. For the Dayak community, ritual tiwah considered a sacred ritual but in time-shifted tiwah tradition of the times, because the victim's family can not afford to hold ritual tiwah, other factors expected that the majority Dayak religious conversion.

2. Kebo-Keboan The next unique culture will you find in Banyuwangi especially the Village Alasmalang and Aliyan. This ritual is estimated to have existed since the 18th century, and is usually held on 1-10 month shura. The goal is for rain down the middle of the dry season. The ceremony is usually held on a Sunday. As the name implies, this ritual is usually dressed people into a bed and board.

The majority of participating definitely male, but it does not mean she just sat quietly, usually the women have a duty to prepare the food and the offerings in the form of a cone, squeeze, water jugs, chew of betel, ingkung chicken, various porridge, cake, hoes, bananas, rice , pitung bargaining, the head, and the seeds of rice plants. This is believed to save some streets in Krajan. Accompanied by traditional music, kebo-keboan it began to plow the field to compete like the original buffalo, and could have been butting the audience, it is not uncommon these keboan kebo-trance and wild. Be careful, do not watch it close.

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