Sunday, September 18, 2016

Wall Patching it safe to Tire ? - Wall punctured tire would be extremely frustrating .

Not infrequently, the vehicle owner must replace it with a new one . However, lately many outstanding reparations were able to patch the tire wall. Equipped with special rubber coating by adhesive, once punctured tire wall has been resolved.

 So secure is patching the tire wall? According Romijo Huka, Regional Manager of PT Goodyear Indonesia, would be very risky if the tire wall was broken by patches. You see, the tire wall like the foundation that strengthens the structure of the tire.

 "It all depends on the condition of the damage. In the tire wall there is a layer that holds the tire shape. If the leak is still possible to be patched fine. But when it damage the structure in it, it is not recommended to patch," he said.

 Patching the tire wall that damaged quite badly by Romijo dangerous because the patch is not supported by the structure again.

Within a short time, the patch may be torn back because it would not hold air pressure trying to get out. "So it's good, just replaced new ones. It's better than taking a risk that could cause harm," he concluded.

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