Friday, September 23, 2016

Been to Historic Objects, Surface Sunyaragi!

Every city in Indonesia storing various tourism potentials and hence there are many places that can not be missed. 

When traveling far is still not possible, visit a town on the island of Java, like Cirebon. Cirebon city is included in the territory of West Java has many historic objects that can be selected for a vacation later.

 Call it, Sunyaragi Water Park. Water Parks Sunyaragi or Sunyaragi Castle, also called cave attractions Sunyaragi have a building that resembles a temple. 

With an area of ​​about 15 hectares, Sunyaragi cave complex is part of the Keraton Kasepuhan and was originally intended as places of rest and meditation Cirebon Sultan and his family.

 This complex has two parts, namely the guesthouse and building caves. Sunyaragi cave itself is a brick building with decoration rock. The combination of various pngaruh of a number of countries can be seen on the style, pattern, or a pattern on the building. 

The influence of classic Indonesian or Hindu, for example, looks at some of the buildings are shaped joglo, like Bale Kambang, Mande Beling, building rest houses, gate, and several sculptures. The influence of Chinese domestic or ancient China can be found in carvings of flowers, such as peach or lotus flower. 

Although the Chinese ceramic ornaments on the exterior of the building has long been lost or damaged, the placement of ceramics in buildings Mande Beling and motif mega cloudy as in complex Gua Gua Sunyaragi Arga Jumut show also got a touch of Chinese architectural styles. 

It also contains the tombs of China. Chinese grave is not the tomb, but rather a kind of monument that serves as a place of prayer for the descendants of the royal escort and bodyguard. 

 Islamic influence is also seen in the signs of Qibla in every pasalatan or musala, their pawudlon or ablution place, and the building of Ward Jinem that resembles the shape of the Kaaba when viewed from behind. 

Not to forget, the Dutch influence on the shape of the windows on the building kaputren and shape of the stairs in cave Arga Jumut. Until now, the object of cultural heritage is still visited, in addition to the charge of its history, location Sunyaragi Water Park is also located, right by the main road. 

Parks front at this place also gets a new touch so visitors can rest more comfortably. So, if we go to Cirebon, do not forget to visit the historical attractions, Tamansari Sunyaragi!

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