Sunday, September 18, 2016

Beware Following Components If Car Awash Flood - Various kinds of damage can occur in Car when flooded. The worst damage that can be caused by water from flooding is water hammer . 

 Water hammer is a phenomenon when water enters into the combustion chamber while the engine is running. As a result , the true piston compresses the air and fuel must compress the incoming water . Because water is a substance that can not be compressed , it will be a very high pressure in the combustion chamber resulting hollow piston , piston and engine block broke broken When submerged car parts , then the water will try to find loopholes that can be entered . 

One of the most vulnerable parts of water is inserted transmission . Once the water is coming, the oil in it will be contaminated . 

 Oil mixed water will lose Lubricant drastically . In addition, the water will make engine components more susceptible to rust . But before rust occurs , the reduced lubricity oil will make parts that rub against wear prematurely . In the automatic transmission , the oil that contaminated water will cause damage to the clutch plate layer . 

And when broken , you should replace one set with the rather expensive price . In the manual transmission car , it is forbidden to park the car shortly after the flooding . Water that seeps into the clutch , will make the clutch and sekrup become moist . This moisture results in strong adhesion occurs between the clutch plate and sekrup . 

 When the transmission in the neutral position , the clutch in the release position so that the clutch plate and sekrup sticking together tightly . If left overnight , do not be surprised if the next day your car's transmission can not be operated . 

 This is because the clutch plate and attached dekrup and rusty , because the clutch can not be free , then it is impossible to enter the tooth . 

 Just as clutch , brake and disc brakes easily corroded when when moist . And when we pull the hand brake , rear brake can be attached to the dial. Symptoms of brake attachment can feel after the hand brake is released, but the pace of the car remains hampered . 

 Overcome by forcing the car forward so that the brake regardless of the dial. But when the levels of attachment is already very tight , there could be damage to the linings and the brake disc .

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