Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ngabuburit race at Sentul , PERTAMAX Motorsport 's Seed - By mid-Ramadan, PERTAMAX Motorsport participated in the program Fastin 'Fastout Vol. 3 this time didigagas by Goodrides community. This event was held at the Sentul International Circuit, Bogor, West Java, on Saturday (18/6) starting at 10:00 am.

 Fastin 'Fastout itself is an annual event to test drive the circuit which was first introduced during Ramadan in 2014 ago.

 The aim is to provide opportunities for aspiring young riders to feel how the atmosphere of driving at the circuit while waiting for the time to break the fast or so-called "ngabuburit".

 "I really wanted to work with Goodrides, because I know what they are doing is in line with the vision and mission that I have built together pertamax Motorsport," said Director of Motorsport PERTAMAX, Rifat Sungkar. In its implementation this year, PERTAMAX Motorsport invited to participate because, as is known to have a vision and a mission to find the seeds of new potential in automotive sports arena in the country A.

 Anybody have the opportunity to join and appear in the event Fastin 'Fastout Vol. 3. But with the record, as long as the quota of participants is still available. The event itself is divided into several segments, namely coaching clinic, track orientation, open track, time trial, and fasting together.

While this is not classified as a championship, the audience attending the event Fastin 'Fastout Vol.3 will still get results counting on speed per lap or at the end of trial. This is useful so that the participants can find out the parameters of speed, quality, as well as its ability to be continuously improved in the future.

 Right on the Saturday morning before the show started, Pertamax Motorsport driver was appointed to lead the coaching clinic session beforehand. They provide training as well as information that is useful to know the participants on how to drive on the circuit.

 Not only that, like a formal race, participants are also required to follow the first scrutineering before the start of the trial that a vehicle that is used also in accordance with the specified standard.

 "This moment is also fun because it is done during the month of Ramadan, so it could also be evidence if the prospective young rider next generation of Indonesia's automotive sport can unite hobbies, talents, creativity, as well as in a time of worship," said Rifat

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