Friday, September 23, 2016

Parks Mataram In Jakarta

Parks Mataram, is one example of a public park located in a green area of ​​Mataram, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Garden area which is located between a residential area was originally used as a fuel station (gas station). 

Having taken over its management by the local government, then restored its function as a green open space in the form of a city park that can be used by the general public for the move. 

Elongated rectangular park area surrounded by two main streets and two-way residential neighborhood. Forms of interactive activities usually done outside the home can be done in this area such as jogging activities, relaxation or simply sit back and relax while enjoying the morning sun and fresh air. 

For children, also provided playground and gym facilities which complements kagiatan simple exercise in the morning.

 Pedestrian path that surrounds the plot area, covered with a width of 2 m conblock as facilities for jogging track. The pedestrian path then connected with a pedestrian path inside the park area. 

The pattern of deliberately curved lines forming waves that cut diagonally and winding across several directions but the plot is deliberately made smooth in order to feel comfortable when passing over it. 

Open areas located between the pedestrian path used as a park area with green grass land surface is contoured, while flowering shrubs and shady trees to fill an open field on the left and on the right side of the pedestrian path. With this concept, the park will have adventurous among exotic gardens. 

 Some species of flowering plants deliberately planted to give color and fun as kana red flower (Canna indica), Alamanda yellow flowers, tabebuya yellow flowers (Tabebuia caraiba), Mandevilla, and bottle brush (Callistemon viminalisTerlihat some shade plant that is productive crops like kedondong, buni, and jackfruit garden complete the collection. 

 For people who want to relax, also provided a park bench deliberately made permanent in various forms. 

There is a simple form of air-finishing cement box ceramic placed along the pedestrian path. Some are designed more exotic uses canopy equipped with yellow Mandevilla vines. 

Curved canopy equipped with an accent chair hard material of this public park. The form of the garden are provided for the public to form local government commitment to provide a healthy and comfortable environment for the people of the city.

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