Monday, September 12, 2016

Homecoming Eid Do not Forget to Keep Distance - long Eid al-Adha holiday to encourage people to travel back and forth. Congestion can also occur due to the volume of vehicles that accumulate. For those of you who travel back and forth it's good to stay alert. Traffic conditions should not make you forget to keep the distance the vehicle. If you look at the street signs bearing the safe distance between vehicles is about 100 meters, instead of 50 meters. So why this figure may appear? According to the national rider and owner Rifat Drive Labs, Rifat Sungkar that reflex time for someone to take braking action is quite long, which is about 2 to 3 seconds. As an illustration, the minimum speed limit on the motorway which is 60 kilometers per hour, this means that in one second the car will travel a distance of 16 meters. If multiplied by a break at the top, meaning the vehicle will run along the 32 and 48 meters to the braking is done. When braking the cars will still go and take some time to stop. With these considerations, it means 100 meters into your vehicle a safe distance with the vehicle ahead. The figure may increase as the speed of your vehicle.

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